The Things That Keep Us Here-Carla Buckley…… To Keep This? Or Pitch It?!?!?!

The prologue in this book was so intensely emotional that I felt paranoid. I was the woman who was losing my husband. I was the one whose heart was beating so rapidly out of panic. I was the one feeling the love of my life slip away. I was left feeling empty and void of happiness. How is it that such great authors have a way of manipulating our very feelings? As I sat thinking about what I read I wondered if maybe it’d be a story similar to the writing of Nicholas Sparks….

Hmph! WRONGO!!!! Carla Buckley draws you into a real life possibility. A virus turned lethal. I love watching movies that are like this however it always scares me how possible it really is. How quickly  a virus could mutate; an evil host sucking all we know and love away. It’s a scary, ominous, real nightmare. 

She plays on real possibilities: power outages, food shortages, sickness, death…. This book will make you more aware of your surroundings, that is a guarantee! It makes you think, “Could I survive something like this? Would I be able to make it through or would I just be another casualty???” It’s a sobering and terrifying thought to think about.

That being said it was a great thriller. I was rooting and scared for all the characters from the very beginning. I was scared that if I stopped reading I’d miss it all in the, literal, blink of an eye. I wouldn’t say that this is anywhere close to being kid friendly but it’s a great mature read. Carla isn’t afraid to not sugar coat things…. and honestly I can appreciate it in this book, it’s real. I think that’s why I felt every emotion that Ann did. How heart wrenching! The only thing I wasn’t a fan of was the epilogue… I didn’t need to know what happened with everyone. I skimmed through it but I’m just not that big on the whole epilogue extravaganza unless there’s a book two or it’s a must to the ending… sometimes it’s nice to come up with your own ending or even left hanging (even though I mostly yell at the book when that happens because I waaaant to know). 

A must read if you’re into thrillers and/or prepping for world disasters. 

kiss approved 

-D- :***** 5/5

About toreaditornot

My name is Danielle. You can call me Dani, D, whatever you fancy. I'm here to rock your world with book reviews. I'll read whatever book you guys ask for and more... Then I'll give you my scoop on it... and maybe just maybe I'll give you some of my own writing and life to delve into. Whatever you do.... Read on! kiss approved ;* -D- View all posts by toreaditornot

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